



Language Settings

“Hirodai moodle” can detect the language settings of your browser and select the display language from either Japanese or English automatically. If you see the first page in moodle in Japanese and find it difficult to understand, you can change the display language.

How to change the language settings

In order to change the language settings, you need to

  1. Click “日本語 (ja)” in the top bar
  2. Select “English (en)”

Now you can see the page in English. However, this settings is not saved and will be reverted to the default, that is Japanese, the next time you log in. If you want to use moodle in English permanently, you need to proceed to the next step.

mdl/language_settings_en.1655703780.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2022/06/20 05:43 by fragile